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The Creative Brain

"The Creative Brain". One of my favorite artists, Chuck Close, explains that he was born with a brain anomaly -- he has a condition called "Face Blindness". I have always wondered how Close creates those wonderful giant face portraits but now that I know he must also deal with what would seem like a large handicap makes what he does all that much more remarkable. Or could it be that these perceived handicaps are really advantages -- like the link with dyslexia to artistic inclination.


Tina said...

I watched this. The 3 artists made some very interesting observations.

Stan Jones said...

Here is a short CBS video of Chuck Close at work on a painting of his daughter. I still have no idea how he does it.

Erik Lillepold said...

It was time well spent to watch this fascinating interview. I did not understand at first how Close could identify the portraits he had
painted if he had "Face Blindness". Apparently he can identify "flattened"
images such as paintings or photographs but not actual people.
Close achieved the balance between art and life by focussing on the
very thing that eluded him. Something satisfying about that.

Anonymous said...

We are currently raising funds for the children's cancer clinic for the Toronto Hospital for Sick Kids. Our Foundation is the oldest charity in Canada established in 1886 and is sponsored by the Nancy-Griffon Foundation established in 1975.
We are asking artists both young and old both new and professional both kids and adults to donate one piece of art 20" by 24" (approximately) to be sold at auction to raise funds for this important children's clinic.
If anyone knows of a child with cancer helping them create a piece of art is part of the program as well.
September is the month we focus on children’s cancer and their Art Work. The Macklin Medical Mission sponsored by the NANCY-GRIFFON Foundation funds research into modified molecular medicine using patient’s white blood cells with their T-cells for a highly successful and unique 1:1 cancer cure for the oncolviruses of leukemia and melanoma. With your financial support we will apply the same technology to the cure for the final 20% of children’s cancer. It’s high time we move beyond the much-outdated use of chemotherapy and radiology and move in a much-needed new direction. Please support this final frontier and the road home.
Thank you
Eric J Macklin

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